
Showing posts from May, 2022

Memorial Day Weekend- Ruth Ann Ashley and Brett-helpers May 29

   Sunday School Opening Time For Memorial Day! Songs for welcome time:  Click on this link.... Use any of these fun songs.  When ready here is the Stars and Stripes Song. After you return from sanctuary you can use the following if you have time.   The video is around 7 minutes.   If you do not have time, Ginny can use in Children's Church if needed. At around 9:50 get ready to go back to get settled in the front rows on the right for worship. Children's Church Video!   Grades 1st and under after they dismiss from 10:00 worship.

June 12 Jesus Heals the Boy with the Evil Spirit Ginny, Brett, Sarah Belle

  Click here for opening songs! Have someone read from their bibles the story from Mark 9:14-29 You may want to have them come up front and face the others to be louder.    After, talk about what they just read. Who are the characters in the story? What happened? Video Story for the day....  Use this as an introduction to the lesson before going to smaller groups. After the video, have the children divide into three smaller groups.   The two younger age levels can go down the hall to the end rooms.   The older group can stay in the mini chapel or sit at the table in the library.  Or if you have a group interested in learning the song for Father's day....they can stay with you.

Fathers Day Children's Church Ashley June 19


June 5 Mordecai- A Father by Choice Nicci Bragg

  Fun song to listen to or get up and dance along. Story of Mordecai....

Videos for Opening Kids Worship

     I am a friend of God!!! Ris e and Shine